Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to Find a Good Door Lock

Door locks are the essential to a safe and peaceful home. Keeping home safe from thieves and criminals can be achieved by installing good and right kind of door lock. Choosing the right door lock depends on where the door lock will be installed. Some door locks are designed for the purpose of privacy only or to keep away annoyances. 


  1. Choose single cylinder deadbolt locks for wooden exterior doors. This type of door lock has 3 essential parts: a key accessible cylinder outside the door, a bolt that goes in and out of the door jamb, and the thumb turn which is used to move the bolt in or out of the door jamb when inside the house. The door lock should  be made of high quality materials such as bronze, solid steel or brass. This lock fits best for doors that does not have glass window close by. 

2. Choose double cylinder deadbolt locks for glass exterior doors. Double cylinder deadbolt requires a key to open the door from outside and inside the house. Thus, it is hard for burglars to open the door even when a portion of the glass door breaks and provides access to cylinder inside the house. This is also true to wooden doors close to glass windows. However, this type of lock pose some safety issues during emergency because it requires a key to open the door lock when exiting the house.

3. Use privacy locks on interior doors. This type of door lock does not a cylinder. It consists of a push or turn button inside and a key entry from the outside. It can be locked with a key from the outside also. This type of lock should allow the person inside the room to exit freely without using a key. 


  • Replace locks that are worn and rusted to avoid lock malfunction later on.
  • When buying a new home replace all exterior locks including garage doors.
  • Install a second lock that cannot be opened by children on the inside of the exterior door.
  • Make sure all exterior doors are locked when leaving the house.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

How to Find the Best Hotel?

Whether going to another country or just going out of town, someone needs a hotel to stay for the night and keep luggages and important belongings that can not be carried around at all times. Finding a good hotel should be done at least few weeks or months before the date of accommodation in order to save time and money, and to avoid fully-booked rooms, as well as stress-free trip.


1. Research the area and find the hotels available. Look for hotels that are closed to places you are planning to go like shopping malls, grocery stores, theaters, fitness center (if the hotel has none), banks, restaurants, family and friends. Hotels that are close to all the places of importance is convenient and at the same time saves money for taxi, gas, or parking fee and time. When staying close by, your vacation will be worry free and enjoyable.

2.  Look for hotel with good reviews. Hotel reviews can be found anywhere on the internet like Tripadvisor and the hotel's website itself. TripAdvisor  has trusted reviews and replies from the hotel management to some reviews made by customers.

3. Watch out for bad reviews. Not all hotel is being loved by everyone. Some customers have bad experience and some had good ones on the same hotel. But a bad review of the same type like bad internet connection or cold food, made by five different customers at different months pose red flags. Go away and look some for another one.

4. Pick a hotel that offers free shuttle. This is added convenience when going to another country or city where bringing your own car is not possible. Free shuttle saves money for taxi and provides security while in an unfamiliar place. Some taxi's over-charge and scam passenger when they think that they got a customer who can afford to pay. Be sure to get the scheduled hour of shuttle pick-up and drop-off.